Closed - Call for Artists: Mailart

Mailart-project - (Roze hokjes) Pink Pigeonholing

No one wants to be labeled and to be placed in a 'box' yet we can be all prejudice/ one-sided. Conscious or unconscious.
In 2019 is "Pink Saturday" in Venlo, The Netherlands. A city that want to open up to all groups of the population and is working on building respect, tolerance, and participation for all. Not only for the LHBTI group but for all population groups.

With this motto Gallery Tuur would like to inspire you to participate in the Mail Art Project

Size: 10 x 15 cm, postcard, maximum 2 postcards per artist.
Technique: free
No return, no fee, no selection by jury (pornographic images, violent, racist or insulting
works will not be included in the show).

All works must be sent by post to:
Galerie Tuur, Straelseweg 77, 5911CM, Venlo, The Netherlands

Exhibition: February –june 2019.
And all works will be posted on Facebook. (front only)
All participants will receive a message by email, please provide your name, surname, email address and nationality

Facebook click here

Deadline posting: December 15th, 2018

The applicant must be the person who created the work. If with the submitted work in any manner infringes the copyrights, portrait rights or other rights of third parties, then the participant is fully responsible.

‘The success of a company cannot be measured solely in economic terms, but also according to its contributions in the fields of art, culture and education.’
Sakip Sabanci