Address - Opening hours  - Contact

Gallery Tuur

Straelseweg 77
NL5911 CM  Venlo
The Netherlands
T. +31 (0) 77 -351 39 08
M.+31 (0) 6 - 480 609 39


The gallery is open on every first weekend of the month Saturday and Sunday between 14.00 and17.00 hours or by appointment

Contact form

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ATTENTION: To avoid spam being sent via the form, at most one website (link or URL) is allowed. However, it may only be typed in the specific field above.
There's no retirement for an artist, it's your way of living. So, there's no end to it.
Henry Moore
‘The success of a company cannot be measured solely in economic terms, but also according to its contributions in the fields of art, culture and education.’
Sakip Sabanci