
"Images of a journey in mind, feeling and energy."


Yvonne Rooding's paintings are unmistakably characterized by deep, dark blue colors. For her, blue symbolizes the infinite space of the universe, a theme that is central to her work. Light and dark form a clear contrast, with lines and threads often recurring as elements that depict energies, interconnections or life paths. It requires a certain receptiveness from the viewer, who seems to step out of time when delving into her paintings.


Yvonne Rooding sees life as a cycle, a continual alternation in the cosmos by which opposites attracts and rejects each other alternatively This subject is in general invisible, inaudible, without shape, without beginning or end and beyond space or time..

These cyclic elements she translates them into circular shapes, to point out events in your life. The theme “contradistinction” is regularly used. This applies both to her 2 and 3 dimensional work .

Aquarint -a water labyrinth for the coots.  
More often Yvonne Rooding is to see with her spatially work, in which frequently other sense organs then the sight are stimulated, another way to experience art. To be (awake) shake up from the daily visible reality and experience the other side.  
Detale installation Armchair travel  

Roodings paintings are permanent exhibited in Gallery Tuur.
Straelseweg 77, 5911 CM Venlo

The gallery is open every first weekend of the month Saturdays and Sundays between 14.00 and 17.00 hours or by appointment